Most Valuable Bicentennial Quarters : You should know

Denver mint produced 860,118,839 bicentennial quarters, copper-nickel clad in a 91.67%: 8.33% ratio.

MS 68 1776 – 1976 D Washington quarters valued at $3,220 to $6,462.50. 

Philadelphia mint crafted 809,784,016 engraved 1776 – 1976 Washington quarters. 

MS 65 1776 – 1976 Washington bicentennial quarters average $6 to $10.

MS 66 grade sells at $15 to $40, while MS 67 rates range from $35 to $127.

A collector paid $1,199.99 for a 1976 clad MS 70 Washington quarter on eBay in 2022.

San Francisco mint produced 1976 bicentennial dollars, half dollars, and quarters.

A 1976 S silver MS 69 Washington bicentennial quarter fetched $19,200 at Heritage Auctions in 2019.

You Should Know

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