8 Rarest Lunar Events to Watch Out For

Supermoon: When a full moon aligns with the moon's closest approach to Earth, creating a larger and brighter full moon in the sky.

Blue Moon: Two full moons occurring within a single calendar month, with the second full moon termed as the blue moon.

Blood Moon: A phenomenon during a total lunar eclipse, where the Earth's shadow gives the moon a reddish hue by blocking the sun's light 

Harvest Moon: The full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, aiding farmers with bright moonlight for harvesting crops.

Black Moon: The absence of a full moon in a calendar month, the counterpart to a blue moon.

Lunar Eclipse: Earth passing between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon and causing it to darken

Super Blue Blood Moon: A rare event combining a supermoon, blue moon, and blood moon during a lunar eclipse.

Hunter's Moon: The first full moon following the harvest moon, traditionally linked to hunting by moonlight

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