10 Rare Pigments Used Throughout History

Tyrian Purple: Extracted from sea snail mucus, prized in ancient Rome.

Cinnabar: A bright red pigment from mercury sulfide, used in ancient China and Mayan cultures. 

Mummy Brown: 16th-18th century pigment made from ground mummies, later abandoned due to scarcity. 

Dragon's Blood: Deep red resin pigment used in ancient rituals and art.

Indian Yellow: Rare pigment from cows fed mango leaves, popular from the 15th to 19th centuries.

Orpiment: Toxic yellow-orange mineral used in ancient manuscripts and Asian art.

Brazilwood Red: 16th-century pigment derived from the brazilwood tree, a major South American export.

Lapis Lazuli: Rich blue pigment mined in Afghanistan, prized during the Renaissance.

Cerulean Blue: Synthetic pigment from the 19th century, popular for its sky-like hue.

Caput Mortuum: Deep purplish-brown pigment from roasted iron or historically, mummified bodies.

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