10 Most Expensive Necklaces Ever Sold

The Oppenheimer Blue: With a selling price of $50.6 million, this necklace features a remarkable 14.62-carat blue diamond

The Pink Promise: Priced at $31.8 million, this necklace showcases a rare 14.93-carat pink diamond 

The Winston Legacy: Sold for $5.1 million, this necklace features a 101.73-carat colorless diamond 

The Bulgari Necklace: Valued at $15.6 million, this necklace features a flawless 10.95-carat blue diamond

The Moussaieff Red: With a price tag of $20 million, this necklace showcases a rare 5.11-carat red diamond

The Bulgari Blue: Sold for $15.7 million, this necklace features a 15.7-carat blue diamond, reflecting Bulgari's legacy of crafting exceptional

Perfect Pink Diamond Necklace: Valued at $14 million, this necklace features a 14-carat pink diamond, recognized for its intense color and impeccable clarity

The Winston Blue: Sold for $23.8 million, this necklace boasts a flawless 13.22-carat vivid blue diamond

Graff Pink: Priced at a staggering $46 million, this necklace showcases a rare 24.78-carat pink diamond, considered one of the world's most exquisite pink diamonds.

Blue Moon Diamond Necklace: Valued at $48.5 million, this necklace features a rare 12.03-carat Blue Moon diamond as its centerpiece

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