8 Most Expensive Elvis Presley Stamps : You should know

1956 Elvis Presley Imperforate Stamp: Valued at $3,000, incredibly coveted among Elvis collectors

1993 Elvis Presley Stamp Sheet: Issued in 1993, part of Celebrate the Century series, displays 10 different Elvis images, valued at $1,000.

1992 Elvis Presley Stamp Sheet: Part of Legends of American Music series, issued in 1992, features one Elvis image, valued at $500. 

1993 Elvis Presley First Day Cover: Released in 1993, features special postmark, commemorates Elvis stamp release, priced at $400.

1992 Elvis Presley First Day Cover: Issued in 1992, marks Elvis stamp release with special postmark, valued at $300.

 2004 Elvis Presley Stamp Sheet: Part of Rock and Roll Legends series, issued in 2004, showcases four Elvis images, priced at $250.

1995 Elvis Presley Stamp Sheet: Released in 1995 as part of American Music Series, displays one Elvis image, valued at $200.

 1993 Elvis Presley Stamp Pack: Issued in 1993, features 10 different Elvis images, highly sought, priced at $150.

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