Last-minute tips for Halloween costumes: Dos and Don'ts

Aaaargh! It's Halloween! The month is closing in on us and we haven't started to think about Halloween costumes yet... Panic mode! Well, here's some advice from us for last-minute costumes. Click further and get inspired!

Let's start with the DON'TS This lady is covering her face with a mask because she can't stand to see an offensive and inappropriate costume. So let's start with something very important: things not to wear this Halloween!

Don'ts: Queen Elizabeth Her Majesty the Queen has just died, so it's improper to dress up as Elizabeth II for a party. It's too soon to make a joke out of it.

Don'ts: Jeffrey Dahmer The Milwaukee Monster may seem like a hip and scary look for this Halloween season, but it's actually painful and inappropriate. Jeffrey Dahmer was a real, sadistic mass killer whose victims' families are still living with his terror every day.

Sales prohibited for a reason Vanity Fair cites eBay's prohibition of all sales of Dahmer-related paraphernalia and outfits because they "glorify violence." The platform bans such items, "especially when it comes to violent felons, their acts, or crime scenes within the past 100 years." Totally understandable.

Don'ts: Covid-19 costume Don't dress up as the Covid-virus or vaccine. The pandemic is ongoing and millions of people have died. It's been a scary episode in our recent history, for sure, but it's not the kind of scariness that is suitable for Halloween.

Another don't: Monkeypox It may be tempting to put on a monkey suit and joke about the monkeypox virus, but just like Covid - or, for that matter, polio, HIV, or bird flu - it's actually hurtful and not funny.

Don't: Vladimir Putin That's obvious, isn't it? Also, avoid other warmongers or controversial political leaders like Kim Jong Un, Bashar al-Assad, Lukashenko, or Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman, for example. Not to mention the Hitlers and Mussolinis of the past.